Below are several video studies, seminars, and live teachings. We believe all of these resources should be available freely to anyone who has the passion and desire to learn more about God's Word.
Thank you to our loyal Disciple Dojo supporters who make this possible. If you would like to continue receiving these free resources, please consider a gift to the Dojo.
Study Courses
The following resources are for use in small groups, Sunday school classes, or even individual study.
All participant workbooks and materials are free to download. We do this to help cut down on paper waste and expenses (we are all about Creation stewardship!) as well as to prevent participants from having to buy workbooks at additional cost (we are NOT all about “nickel-n-diming” people!).
Click the thumbnail below to begin your course.
Ruth's Chris
Bible Study
Tuesdays | 12:00-1:00 PM
The Ruth's Chris Bible Study is a weekly lunchtime Bible study that JM Smith leads at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse on Fairview Rd. in Charlotte, NC — where the owner is gracious enough to provide both the space and the food to anyone who shows up!
The purpose of the study is to walk through books of the Bible chapter-by-chapter in order to see the big picture of Scripture through expositional study. Not only do attendees get a great meal for free each week and develop solid friendships with others who work in the area, they also build a solid Biblical foundation while having their modern lives challenged by this ancient library known as the Bible.
Below are some of the studies we have covered to this point. Click on the course to view video and/or listen to the audio.
Live Teachings
A key part of the ministry of Disciple Dojo is offering seminars and live teaching in local churches or ministry settings. The following is a sample of a seminar that JM has spoken or taught at various events. Topics cover a range of subjects related to the study and application of Scripture.